Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I admit it, I have a slight obsession with Gossip Girl. In fact, every Monday in my planner has two stars by "Gossip Girl 7pm." Its a sick obsession, to the point where I have spent countless hours blog stalking reading the latest scoop on the show and its characters. And today, I came across a GOLDMINE for all the information I've secretly been hoping I could find. Info about the off screen romances, rivalries, etc. I LOVED every minute spent reading this and I was sad when it was over. Because, for 20 min (yes its that long), i felt like I was a part of that magical world. Where my closet was filled with designer wear for my size two body. Where my room was perfectly decorated and my friends were eloquent and social tops. I don't REALLY want this life, ok maybe a little bit, but it is fun to watch how others live. And I thought it was all fiction, but apparantly not. Read and enjoy!

In other news, a little more realistic. I am in the heat of finals right now. Studying, stressing and taking shopping breaks. Some people exercise, some eat....I shop when Im stressed which is TERRIBLE considering my first paycheck will go straight to my finals' stress purchases. Whatever, I deserve least some of them.

I'll be FINISHED with school FOREVER next monday and I couldn't be happier. I start work on May 12 and Im really excited.

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