Friday, November 19, 2010

You never wanted to know...

One of my REALLY good friends, Tiffany, recently posted about all the things you don't know about her that you probably never wanted to know. And it was just fabulous. I begged her to send me a list of questions to answer about myself I find it hard to come up with these random facts about myself. I remember at my college orientation {Camp War Eagle}, we were divided into groups of probably 15 people and one of the ice breakers was to tell something about yourself that nobody knows. Immediately my mind went BLANK. People were telling all kinds of cool random facts and I could come up with NOTHING. Well, I'm here to tell you that I have some weird quirks and random facts that most people don't know. And if you're bored enough, you'll suffer through this post.

So here goes.

1. I've NEVER trick or treated. Yes. I said that. A lot of my friends know this, but I do believe that this is one of those facts that wow the crowds when these icebreaker activities happen. So, the story is that my mother doesn't believe in Halloween for religious reasons. Growing up, I didn't understand it one bit. Every year, my siblings and I would BEG her to allow us to make that year the exception, but she never budged. I have to say that I'm quite impressed that she stuck to her guns because we were relentless. So no, I've never dressed up as a princess and rang a neighbor's door and held out the plastic pumpkin to be filled with candy. In fact, when the day comes that I take my children trick or treating, I will have NO clue what to do. Not that it is complicated, but still. I will let my kids participate, but I will never allow them to dress as devils, witches, ghosts, vampires or anything else "evil" like that.

2. I'm obsessed with handwriting. I have several fonts I alternate between. When I was in second grade, my Grandmomma and I pulled out the Encyclopedia and literally practiced cursive for hours. She is just that awesome. Its probably one of my sweetest memories with her. I receive compliments all the time on my handwriting now,except from my mom {who claims its hard to read, but we agree to disagree}.

3. I'm a major creature of habit. I have routines like no other. I guess its the OCD coming out, but I do them to make life easier. I don't ever wonder at 2pm if my back door is locked. I KNOW its locked.

4. I'm constantly imagining new things for decorating my house. Constantly.

5. I am a magazine freak. LOVE them. I read them once and then display them. Weird, I know.

6. I'm a romantic sap at heart. I'm pretty sure that every boy I've ever had a crush on, I've at some point imagined being married to him and what life would be like as his wife. However, I can honestly say that I've only done the 4th grade write out your "future name" with his last name with two boys. I take that seriously. And the other day, I heard a co-worker on the phone with a client whose name is Rachel Nelson. I got VERY weirded out when I immediately responded.

7. Speaking of names, I've had my future kids' names picked out for years. If you know me at all you already know what they are. However, one has changed in the past few months. Maybe in a few years, you'll see what I've claimed. And for any of you gals who take one of these reserved names, I'll hunt you down. Just kidding {a smidge}. In fact, an old friend somewhat ripped off one of the names. And lets just say we are NOT friends anymore. You know who you are :). Its silly, but whatever.

8. I have a major obsession with nail polish. In high school, there were 3 classmates who had the most gorgeous nails. I was so incredibly jealous. Since then, I've always worked to keep my nails looking just like theirs. To this day, whenever I see them, that is the FIRST thing I look at. And no, I will not admit to who these girls are.

9. I secretly want my own reality show just so I can watch all the little odd things I do that I have no idea I do. You never know that you have have a staring problem until someone points it out. What better way to discover this than have cameras documenting your life?

10. I am terrified of the noise that dirt bikes and four wheelers make. But only if I'm in the woods. I grew up in a neighborhood that had a huge field behind our house. And by field, I mean woods. Without fail, if I heard a dirt bike off in the distance, I would have a panic attack. Still to this day, if you were to put me in the woods and monitor my heart rate when a dirt bike is close by, it would be off the charts. This is also my recurring nightmare, that someone is coming after me on a motorcycle. Ironically, I REALLY want to do a weekend Harley ride. Strange, I know.

11. I despise instructions. Anything that requires me to follow step after step...I'm not a fan. Recipes, furniture assembly, name it, I hate them.

12. I only wash my hair 2 or 3 times a week. You think gross, my hairdresser tells me this is perfect to keep my hair healthy and shining.

13. The sight of a snake makes me nauseous. In high school, I was out with friends when we came across a dead 6 foot snake. My friend Sara stopped the car, got out, and put the snake in a garbage bag where we proceeded to track down our Environmental Science teacher in the grocery store and insisted on showing her. I was terrified the whole time. Snakes make me sick.

14. I secretly want to play super market sweep. I also want to scream when its silent in church. Just a few things on my bucket list. :)

15. I drive like a grandma. And I have the accident history to prove it. ZERO that were my fault!!

There you have it. If you survived reading that without falling asleep or drooling, let me know and I'll send you a gift in the mail :)


Anonymous said...

Lol, what a fun post-I loved reading it!
I can't believe you've never been trick or treating! That's crazy, good for your mom for sticking to her guns. Growing up, I was never allowed to spend the night away at a friend's house. I thought it was nuts, but now that I have a daughter, I am the same way! haha. Snakes give me the willies too.

The Cobbs said...

I'm OCD, too. I've recently thought about doing a post of my "morning routine." But, then I figured no one would be reading! Maybe I'll do it anyway!
I've never been trick or treating either. My mom never let me. Maybe it was their generation. However, I probably won't let Hadley trick or treat either...people do sick & crazy things these days...maybe I'm just overprotective.
Loved the post!

Megan McKenzie said...

LOVE this post, and so glad you are back. I keep reading and re-reading the post. That bag is insane. And I am a proud owner of the leather wrap bracelet. It may possibly be my favorite accessory.