Monday, February 16, 2009

So I had originally intended to give this book to Ry for part of his Valentine's gift, but I got a little carried away with his gift basket and so I took this out. I've been wanting to read this, so I started today and if Ry wants to read it too, he can now or whenever I finish.

I'm on day one and I'm already challenged. Today, my assignment is to say nothing negative to Ryan. As soon as I read that, I knew it would be tough simply because Monday's are always a tough day. Work is always crazy and I never get to leave on time. And then of course Ry has triathalon training and volleyball games all on Monday nights. So I don't end up getting to see him until around 8:30 and by that point I'm cranky and just want to go to sleep (yes I've gotten old, I realize it!). So, say nothing negative to him today? I think I can do it!


I realized something is wrong with my car and I can't roll up the window. Of course, my initial reaction: call Ryan. But guess what time it is!! Its 5:30 and that means he's either running or on the bike. Translation: no cell phone! Well I'm trying anyway. But guess who's phone went straight to voicemail? Yep that would be Ryan Nelson. The blood is starting to boil here because that means one thing: he didn't charge it and its dead. And I get EXTREMELY irritated when this happens, mostly because its always at the most inopportune time, just like right now!

And then that little voice popped back into my head and reminded me of my assignment. The Lord sure does have a sense of humor sometimes. And then sometimes he makes things very clear and obvious to us when He is trying to teach us something.

I am quick to react. Its one of my strengths and its also one of my weaknesses. In my career, I have to be able to stay on my toes and make decisions on the spot all day everyday. But when that transfers into my personal life, its not always a good thing. I tend to not think things through rationally and react emotionally. And we all know where this bad!

Today's lesson opened with this verse. "Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love." Ephesians 4:2. Patience is not something the Lord blessed me with. In fact its something I struggle with all the time. I love instant gratification. I like things going the way I want. I don't like having to wait. And I'm guilty of this is every aspect of my life.

The book pointed out, " No one likes to be around an impatient person. It causes you to overreact in angry, foolish and regrettable ways. The irony of anger toward a wronful action is that it spawns new wrongs of its own. Anger almost never makes thing better. In fact, it usually generates additional problems. But patience stops problems in their tracks."

It couldn't be any clearer to me than this! I think we are all guilty of this at some point. And think about how many times you have hurt someone because you reacted before you were able to think. Its scary. Relationships with friends, family, boyfriends, husbands, they all can be damaged simply from this.

I usually don't write the preachy posts but the Lord is laying this strong on my heart and I thought I would share it!!!


In other news, Ryan's sister and her husband just finished the qualifying race for Escape From Alcatraz. This may not mean much to most of you but apparantly its a super intense triathalon. Jamey placed first giving him a ticket to Escape From Alcatraz and Heidi came within 30 seconds of qualifying too! Congrats to both of them!!! Their dedication to that sport is unreal. I only wish I had 10% of it and I would be a better person!!

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