Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My mom called me today around 3:30, which was odd because calling me during the day is basically pointless. My job is to be on the phone AT ALL TIMES so honestly, the best way to catch me is to text or email me.

But anyway, back to the story. She called me in histerics the first thing she said was, "Rachel, we've had an emergency. Everyone's ok." So I don't know about you, but this is NOT the type of call I like to receive when I'm a little fragile right now or you know oh say...EVER.

Turns out Mr. B-ron (as the gearles affectionately call him) aka my dad was trying to load up an old sofa in the boat house and somehow slipped and busted up his ankle. Mom was driving him home to the hospital, but keep in mind its a 45 minute trip from the lake to Montgomery. I asked her if they were going straight to the hospital and she said, "No, we've gotta take Lexie home first."

Personally, if my ankle were shattered, I would be saying something along the lines of, "Yeh you can just drop me off at the ER first then take home the little squirt and meet me back at the hospital." But the man is that awesome that he said, "dog first, me second." Pretty admirable!!

So I'm still awaiting the outcome. More to come. Keep the man in your prayers!!

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