Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Doxology...

Weekends are never dull around these parts.

Friday, one of my co-workers asked me what my weekend plans were just as a casual conversation starter. I quickly explained to her that the best weekends are the ones that are never planned. Spontaneous fun, plan things by the minute and just live in the moment... that kind of weekend. And that is exactly what I did.

Meet some of the crew....

Is there really anything more fun than getting all dressed up and heading out for cocktails with friends? Um yes. The process of getting ready!! I got my hair done by my fun buddy, Khrista (pictured above). She taught me the art of BIG HAIR (that's for you, Deck). Trust me, I was VERY hesitant. I was TERRIFIED of looking like a Jersey Shore Misti Dawn and even went to knock on an unbiased neighbor's door for the honest truth. It was big and got bigger as the night went on. As I sat in her bathroom getting my hair sprayed, curled and teased, we joked and laughed while one of my co-workers/friends sat there and watched on a tad bit awkwardly.

Rachel: Chris, on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being, you want to jump off a bridge, 1 you're in Heaven), how much do you hate me right now?

Chris: Are you kidding me? I'm used to this. Having a girlfriend taught me to deal with this and always allow an extra 45 minutes for schedules.

Its fun to be good friends with co-workers. I somehow always do this. Just usually find myself a gal pal. But going along with the theme of my life now, I'm doing things a tad bit differently. It keeps things interesting. You've heard the story millions of times. We HATED each other for weeks. We fought like brother and sister. But somewhere along the way, tossed some of the annoyance aside and became gchat buddies. OH YEH...gchat! I could wax poetically about that beauty for hours. How it gets me through the day. How it keeps me in touch with friends. How it helps me multi-task even more. And in this case, helped start a fabulous friendship full of friendly pokes and jabs mixed in with actual real life discussions. And then invitations to go out to a REALLY fun bar/club where everything is covered. Of course, bring your fun friends Rachel...the more the merrier!! Brother, this is a deal I can't refuse!!

So I was all dressed up, big hair and all, and having the best time ever. Only to get the phone call I've been waiting on for a little over a year. One that I always wondered if it would happen. One that I knew deep in my heart would eventually happen. One that I prayed for thousands of time.

I'm amazed at how God works. I truly am. He took away the one thing I loved the most so that I would slowly fall head over heels in love with Him. He took me on this long, painful but ultimately rewarding journey where I learned that I can't dream of being with the man I love until I fill my heart with the most incredible divine joy that only my Savior can provide. It hasn't been until now that He deemed me ready to bring that earthly love back into my heart.

This time is different. This time, my main squeeze is the man upstairs. He's the one I love the most. I've heard it said so many time, but never have I loved this quote so much.

"A woman’s heart should be so hidden in Christ, that a man should have to seek Him first to find her.” Maya Angelou

Well Maya, you are one VERY wise lady! Why did it take me this long to figure out such an easy, simple concept?

The process was hard. REALLY hard. But the payoff is even better.

So now, I really have EVERYTHING I could ever dream of...

Fabulous friends, an incredibly fun life, a will for my grace, my little five year old back (**no I don't have any kids for anyone wondering) and a new knowledge of how to tease my hair.

Que the doxology now...

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