Sunday, June 28, 2009

Hey its gonna be a random one!! Hold on tightly because I've got a few thoughts to share!!

So I have somewhat of a confession to make: I have become slightly obsessed with Decorating Blogs. I'm talking wake up in the morning, sign in and kinda get a rush to see if there's more goodness I can find-obsession. Yall its not healthy because, quite honestly, it just gives me a really bad case of the "I want's." I could list a thousand things that I want right now: a home like this...
A family to live in it. A lifestyle that comes with having a home this nice. A job that pays enough to provide this lifestyle (sidenote: I LOVE my job despite its pay). As I said, I could go on and on and on. But the truth is, for now, I'm learning to be content with what I DO have. My health, the freedom to pick up and go wherever I want, the future ahead of me, a rewarding job, an incredibly cute and sweet boyfriend :) , and the fact that I know that one day, my lists of dreams will be achieved. I'm sure one day, I'll live in a beautiful home just like this one and have one of those moments where I look around and see kids playing, phones ringing, tv's blasting, dogs barking, babies crying, dinner cooking, laundry going and at that point, I'll remember back to days like today when things were so much simpler. When life wasn't complex. And I'm sure I'ld for a split moment think to myself, "ahhh I wish I could go back." But isn't that what human nature does? Always wants what it can't have?

So there's my deep thought for the month. I try to keep it light on here, because lets all be honest, blogs aren't really the place to share your heartaches and disappointments. However, its been on my mind for quite a while, so there...I said it.

On a MUCH sillier note, look what else I found while in the blogosphere!!

Dear Audrey Hepburn and a sweet little yorkie!! I may have to email Ryan's sister and tell her if she wants me on a bike, it will be like this!! I could have little Hudson sitting up front and Maddie girl runnin on a leash beside me. :)

And if this post weren't random enough for you, look what I found!!!

Ok, so its 104 today and I don't foresee me needing these guys for a while, but my heart did a little pitter patter when I saw these on I believe this will be on my Christmas wish list. I'll email it to mom and they'll probably arrive in Montgomery next week. No joke, she is in PURE Christmas shopping mode. Seriously. Its July and she's half done!

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