Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Lots to Share...

Lots and Lots to share today!!!

First, let me start off with saying how incredibly excited I am for this girl...


Abby has been one of my best friends for quite some time, so when I found out that she and sweet hubby David are expecting a little Yates in September, I was just beside myself. I'm hoping its okay to post this, considering they've both put it on facebook now. Anyway, Congratulations to the two of you!! I am so excited to get all the details and of course, start shopping!!

In less important news, I'm STILL trying to figure out how to fix this stinking blog. I really goofed up last night when I was trying to post something and the HTML wasn't cooperating. I've tried changing the template, but for some reason, all my links are at the bottom. I want them back on the side. Anyone know how to fix this??

Moving on...

In continuation with my Spring Wish Lists Mini-Series, here are a few items I'm really drooling over...

Unfortunately, I'm pushed for time this morning, so I can't post company and product names. If there is anything on here that you want a reference for, email me and I'll be happy to share!!


Tiffany said...

Yeah, my dad is a mess! i'm loving your fashions! Sorry about your layout! I'm having some issues with my pics and stuff, so I actually redid some of my last post! ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-CHECK IT OUT!
p.s. come to Austin ASAP. k thanks.

Nathalie said...

Oh I love those skirts and bags. Would welcome them all warmly in my closet :)