Wednesday, January 12, 2011

STILL shutin!!

Snow Shut-In Victim number 334,509,232 here. Just reporting to you what I've been up to since I haven't cranked my car since Sunday afternoon.

Some think I would have gone nutso by now. Living alone isn't always lonely {insert my mom laughing here_____}. I've stayed relatively busy to be honest. And if anyone asks, yes, I am in fact actually working while doing all of this! Multitasker, yes.

Making friends with neighbors pays off time after time. Example A:
bottled wine minis
He shows up with food and wine. AND he treats me to lunch at the restaurant across the street as long as I keep him company. SOLD!!

I have a supervisor making sure everything stays on track...
parrot lemon
He likes to bark at any and every sound in the courtyard and hall. And don't even TRY to keep him from barking while on conference calls. He's the boss! And he is in desperate need of a haircut. I could have done that with all my time at home, but last time I tried that, it didn't pan out so well.

I've made do with the food in my house somehow. Although the fresh food is starting to get rather scarce...

I've also done some re-decorating of sorts...
where pictures of crazy nights out have been replaced by sweet pictures of me and sassy from yesteryear.

I even used the tape measurer my mom put in my stocking and hung some frames. Not as easy as I thought it would be and they aren't perfect...
When I bragged to Ryan about my handi-work for the day, he responded with "Rachel, do you even have any walls to hang things on anymore??" Men.

And yes, I've kept this guy open AT ALL TIMES...
work at home
And maybe kept that glass full some of the time as well! Nothing makes a conference call awesome like a glass of Riesling.

It snowed AGAIN today so my hopes of returning to civilization tomorrow may be a major fail.

Stay warm kiddos!!

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