Thursday, July 3, 2008

Two days ago, I enlisted a "trainer" to help jumpstart me back into shape. I'm really bad about being lazy and coming home from work and parking it on my bed watching tv and on the computer. My job is go go go, so I've decided that now my need to get back into working out regularly is not simply for vanity purposes, but moreso to help give me energy with my job. This summer heat is VERY tiring and I need all I can get to help me through it. SO...I opened my big mouth in the office talking about needing a trainer but not having the sufficient funds to actually have one. A guy I work with chimed in with, "Im gonna whip you into shape." Although i don't respond well to challenges like that, he sparked my interest. It was supposed to be a trade off where I taught him some useful Spanish phrases to use on some of his sales calls, and he would let me work out with him.

FAST FORWARD to Tuesday. I met him at the gym and lets just say the guy that showed up is a different guy than the one I work with. BOOTCAMP TRAINER on crack. After an hour and a half of weights only, I spent three trips to the ladies room in front of a fan and sometimes hovering a toilet. Long story short I pushed myself beyond the point of exhaustion.

Fast forward to now. I am in SERIOUS pain. Every night, I've forced myself to take 20 min HOT baths in hopes of giving my "muscles" some relief. Yeh its not so helpful.

Lesson learned. If i would have taken it slowly as a process and not fast forwarded to where I need to be in my workout routine in oh, say, 2 months, I wouldnt be MISERABLE

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