Friday, May 21, 2010

hold me closer tiny banschee...

Meet the little tiny banschee {thank you Hines for this term...}. You've seen me mention him before, but I've rarely talked about his mischievious side. And YES, he has one.

This little 5lb ball of silky fur keeps me on my toes AT ALL TIMES. I get woken up every morning with him scratching on the bed beside me. This is because he's a wild indian and makes his own schedule. He gets up and plays before I wake up {against our specific rules} and then decides at 4:30 am, he wants to get back on the bed again. We fall asleep again and then 5 minutes before the alarm, he has pushed Madison's buttons so hard that she snaps and I have to break up WW3 at the foot of my bed and save tiny banschee from his sudden death aka the grips of my sweet yorki-poo's jaw.

He brings me any swimsuit top or bra {is that too much for here??} and buries toys in the sofa for me to find later. He absolutely refuses to practice the table manners I've been teaching him for a YEAR. He scratches nervously when he wants something {usually to be held} and he has a knack for bolting out the door and playing catch against my will.

But all this aside, I love the little guy. As I sit here and type this, he's playing parrot and curled up on the arm rest behind me and circling my neck...sleeping. He loves his big sister Madison and thinks she hung the moon {oh wait, I think anyone who's ever met her does too}. And boy does he love his mama.

I write this because Monday marks our one year anniversary {as if anyone else cares}. I remember picking him out of TONS to choose from and bringing him "home" to the lakehouse for Ry to ask, "is this him??" Um no, this is a loaner dog. Of COURSE its him. I can't believe how quickly time flies. That was a year ago??

Its gotten me to thinking about how different my life is now from this time last year. I was talking about this with my buddy/partner is crime, Hines and I just hit a low point yesterday. Of course this is to be expected. My life is upside down right now. I'm not really sure who I am these days but I know I'll get it figured out one step at a time. By the way, thanks Hines for the encouragement last night. It was just what I needed!!

The point is, I know that I'll be thinking the same thing May 21, 2011. I'll look back at how my life is now and think to myself, "WOW look how different everything is now." And that's the beauty of it. If there is one thing I've learned so far is this: the only constant is change itself.

Embrace it.

LOOK, I may not have kids, but I do have banschee dogs that will be my kids.

1 comment:

Hines said...

It is amazing how profound my words can be after a bottle of wine! Just remember, HE will not close a door without at least opening a window. Case in point, I have an interview Monday with a new magazine start up launching later in June. You're fabulous and your next project should consider themselves lucky!