Monday, November 16, 2009

I'm Not a Politics Kind of Girl, But THIS...

I've never been into politics. I don't usually watch the news (** except recently. I think I need to become semi-aware of what's going on in this world, so I've incorporated Fox & Friends into my morning coffee routine). I've never gotten into all of the hoopla. I'll admit it, I'm pretty conservative, but not well-enough informed to argue my opinion, so my strategy has always been: stay uninvolved.

In high school, I had several friends who were quite the opposite and would get REALLY heated about elections, politicians, etc. I, however, did not participate, and I'm embarassed to say I really didn't care. I didn't even register to vote until last year. I'm not bragging, by any means, just telling you like it is.

But I can tell you this, I have been growingly irritated with our current First Family.
ALL (but definitely not limited to) for this reason...


So, enjoy this political commentary, because it will be one of VERY few!!

What is up with the first family becoming celebrities? I get it, they are the first black first family (and DONT even start to think this is a racial comment, it has NOTHING to do with this!!) and its a HUGE deal that a black man was elected as our nation's leader. So much of their following was from the semi-underground power aka HOLLYWOOD and these celebrities REALLY pushed our young citizens to vote for change. And change we got in a BIG way.

Since WHEN is the President and is family a celebrity? Since when did the President party with J-Lo? Since WHEN did his wife make it to the cover of Glamour Magazine? Since when did the paparazzi follow the family around 24/7 and report how much he tips for a six pack of beer (seriously it was in a tabloid magazine last week)?? Since when did we consider the First Family part of Hollywood?

Last I checked, he's our President. He's got plenty of things to do that DO NOT involve spending our hard earned tax dollars on lavish parties with J-Lo. I have no problem paying taxes, don't get me wrong. What I DO have a problem with is paying for these ridiculous parties. I don't know about you, but I work pretty hard. And each pay stub, I look at the amount taken out for taxes and have to fight the tears. But then I remember its mostly for good things. Things that I have no problem helping fund. But I DO have a problem paying for designer digs for these things.

Last I checked, we're in a recession. I hear about this oh EVERY day...literally. (**Sidenote: it amazes me when people try to inform me that we're in a recession. As if I didn't already know. People, I'm in fundraising. The most common excuse I hear on an hourly basis is, "I've asked everyone but nobody has any money right now.")

And the reality of my frustration isn't really how the money's being spent, but more that we've elevated the Prez and his fam to celebrity status. NO I do NOT want to open up US Weekly and see Michelle hoola-hooping. I want to read about the Kardashians and Lauren Conrad. I want to see pictures of these hotties dressed in outfits only the ZOE could put together. I want to see pictures of Jude Law pumpin gas and Heidi and Spencer shopping at Dollar General. They're called tabloids for a reason...because they're ridiculous. ANYONE in these mags should be famous for their "work" aka because they're ridiculously good looking. NOTHING MORE.

The President and his fam should be seen in magazines more like Time. I'm just saying. That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it. I feel pretty strongly about this...kinda the same way I am towards monogram car stickers.

Ok, so after that negative rant, I will give it to Michelle because she does have a pretty impeccable sense of style. If I could describe her in one phrase it would be J.Crew chic. A style I wouldn't be terribly upset if someone used to describe me.

Oh and one thing the magazines can post: pictures of that incredibly adorable puppy!!

You're welcome, readers. That's ALL you're going to get from me about my political opinions. The truth is, I love this country. I love everything about it.

Now, for some Cherry Pie...

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