Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Rain Rain DONT Go Away...

I don't know how the weather is in "your neck of the woods" (best phrase ever Al), but its been raining non stop for the past 24 hours. Normally, I'ld be pretty annoyed by this point, but I can't say that I am.
Because the past 2 nights I have had the most perfect sleep ever. There really is nothing that can compare to the sound of rain in a comfy bed all curled up under lots of soft layers.
Because the temperature is just right, the windows have stayed open and the AC and Heat have stayed off. My power bill is going to be SWEET!!
The only problem is, its almost impossible to get up and moving in the morning. It probably doesn't help that I called it a day at 8:30 last night either. Getting back in the swing of working after a week off isn't exactly easy. And when my phone rang at 7:45 last night and my boss asked me if I could come meet her at the office to lock the door because she lost her key, I realized, the vacay is OVER!!
So, I called it a day when I got home and got off the phone with the boss. We're a very talkative group. We like to analyze EVERY single detail and this doesn't stop at 5 pm. Ever.
Suffice it to say, I didn't watch The Hills or The City finales. Which put a damper on my Blackberry messenger date with a co-worker (We like to make comments to each other while the show airs. Its our thing. Lay off). Good thing MTV has it posted.
So here's to hoping tonight will be another in bed by 9 type of night and the sweet sound of rain will NOT go away!!

1 comment:

Megan McKenzie said...

Two things.

1. I totally agree with you about the rain. There is nothing like falling asleep to raindrops hitting your windows. However, it also makes for the perfect sleeping-in environment in the morning, which consequently {spelling?} is why I was late for work this morning.

2. LOVE LOVE LOVE the fact that you too choreographed many a routine to Jock Jams I & II and Space Jam. Did you ever get to the point where you videotaped your dance moves. I did. If I could get my hands on those tapes, I would so post them to my blog. OMG that would be awesome. It was very George Michael Bluth videotaping himself with his light saber {do you watch Arrested Development?Best. Show. Ever.}.I am on a mission to find my videotaped routines. I have no shame.

Love your blog.
